Home Artificial Intelligence Deepfakes and AI: Insights from Pindrop’s 2024 Voice Intelligence and Security Report

Deepfakes and AI: Insights from Pindrop’s 2024 Voice Intelligence and Security Report

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The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about significant benefits and transformative changes across various industries. However, it has also introduced new risks and challenges, particularly when it comes to fraud and security. Deepfakes, a product of generative AI, are becoming increasingly sophisticated and pose a substantial threat to the integrity of voice-based security systems.

The findings from Pindrop’s 2024 Voice Intelligence and Security Report, highligh the impact of deepfakes on various sectors, the technological advancements driving these threats, and the innovative solutions being developed to combat them.

The Rise of Deepfakes: A Double-Edged Sword

Deepfakes utilize advanced machine learning algorithms to create highly realistic synthetic audio and video content. While these technologies have exciting applications in entertainment and media, they also present serious security challenges. According to Pindrop’s report, U.S. consumers are most concerned about the risk of deepfakes and voice clones in the banking and financial sector, with 67.5% expressing significant worry.

Impact on Financial Institutions

Financial institutions are particularly vulnerable to deepfake attacks. Fraudsters use AI-generated voices to impersonate individuals, gain unauthorized access to accounts, and manipulate financial transactions. The report reveals that there were a record number of data compromises in 2023, totaling 3,205 incidents—an increase of 78% from the previous year. The average cost of a data breach in the United States now amounts to $9.5 million, with contact centers bearing the brunt of the security fallout.

One notable case involved the use of a deepfake voice to deceive a Hong Kong-based firm into transferring $25 million, highlighting the devastating potential of these technologies when used maliciously.

Broader Threats to Media and Politics

Beyond financial services, deepfakes also pose significant risks to media and political institutions. The ability to create convincing fake audio and video content can be used to spread misinformation, manipulate public opinion, and undermine trust in democratic processes. The report notes that 54.9% of consumers are concerned about the threat of deepfakes to political institutions, while 54.5% worry about their impact on media.

In 2023, deepfake technology was implicated in several high-profile incidents, including a robocall attack that used a synthetic voice of President Biden. Such incidents underscore the urgency of developing robust detection and prevention mechanisms.

Technological Advancements Driving Deepfakes

The proliferation of generative AI tools, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Microsoft’s Bing AI, has significantly lowered the barriers to creating deepfakes. Today, over 350 generative AI systems are used for various applications, including Eleven Labs, Descript, Podcastle, PlayHT, and Speechify. Microsoft’s VALL-E model, for instance, can clone a voice from just a three-second audio clip.

These technological advancements have made deepfakes cheaper and easier to produce, increasing their accessibility to both benign users and malicious actors. By 2025, Gartner predicts that 80% of conversational AI offerings will incorporate generative AI, up from 20% in 2023.

Combating Deepfakes: Pindrop’s Innovations

To address the growing threat of deepfakes, Pindrop has introduced several cutting-edge solutions. One of the most notable is the Pulse Deepfake Warranty, a first-of-its-kind warranty that reimburses eligible customers if Pindrop’s Product Suite fails to detect a deepfake or other synthetic voice fraud. This initiative aims to provide peace of mind to customers while pushing the envelope in fraud detection capabilities.

Technological Solutions to Enhance Security

Pindrop’s report highlights the efficacy of its liveness detection technology, which analyzes live phone calls for spectro-temporal features that indicate whether the voice on the call is “live” or synthetic. In internal testing, Pindrop’s liveness detection solution was found to be 12% more accurate than voice recognition systems and 64% more accurate than humans at identifying synthetic voices.

Additionally, Pindrop employs integrated multi-factor fraud prevention and authentication, leveraging voice, device, behavior, carrier metadata, and liveness signals to enhance security. This multi-layered approach significantly raises the bar for fraudsters, making it increasingly difficult for them to succeed.

Future Trends and Preparedness

Looking ahead, the report forecasts that deepfake fraud will continue to rise, posing a $5 billion risk to contact centers in the U.S. alone. The increasing sophistication of text-to-speech systems, combined with low-cost synthetic speech technology, presents ongoing challenges.

To stay ahead of these threats, Pindrop recommends early risk detection techniques, such as caller ID spoof detection and continuous fraud detection, to monitor and mitigate fraudulent activities in real time. By implementing these advanced security measures, organizations can better protect themselves against the evolving landscape of AI-driven fraud.


The emergence of deepfakes and generative AI represents a significant challenge in the field of fraud and security. Pindrop’s 2024 Voice Intelligence and Security Report underscores the urgent need for innovative solutions to combat these threats. With advancements in liveness detection, multi-factor authentication, and comprehensive fraud prevention strategies, Pindrop is at the forefront of efforts to secure the future of voice-based interactions. As the technology landscape continues to evolve, so too must our approaches to ensuring security and trust in the digital age.

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